
For 3 weeks of every semester you can choose between various subjects that will complement your professional design process and develop your creative potential. The range of electives change from semester to semester. It could be photography, painting, animation, serigraphic print, digital music, illustration, ceramics, or computer program lessons.

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Try something new

Everyday life is never boring when attending one of the four main programs of the folk high school. The atmosphere is always lively with plenty of space to express yourself in numerous ways. At AB the main focus is architecture, and at VK visual communication is the center of our activities. At MT fashion and textiles are on the program, and at MRP it’s all about design of space, furniture, and all the other products the world are in need of.

This is good. Absorption and specializing are good things. It means you learn about everything you find interesting. The very things you enrolled to learn more about.

But the brain is a muscle that craves variation and exercise not to get stuck. AtDSDH we believe in the importance of being inspired by others and opening your eyes to the fact that the world consists of so much more than what you already know to be captivating. 
In electives you will team up with people from all of the study programs, and you will be exposed to new challenges. Not only will you meet new people, you will also get to meet and try out new parts of yourself.

Print. New techniques, new materials, new possibilities. The world is open and offers new expressions.

Body. Get your heart rate rocketing for one week. Let your head get a rest and your muscles knock themselves out.

Ceramics. Hands shaping clay; cups, vases, pitchers, pots, and sculptures. Creativity and craftsmanship.

Photography. Tell stories with your camera. People and environments. Places and ambience.

Workshop. Release creativity. Build new worlds. Alone and together. Large and small projects.

Foundry. Craftsmanship with tradition. Concentration and hard physical labor. Fire and smoke.

Drawing. Let your hands create; with coal and chalk, ink, and pencil. Blindly or with your eyes fixed on the paper and the naked body.

Exhibition. We always end the week of electives by exhibiting the things we have created. Dialog with the world.


Print. New techniques, new materials, new possibilities. The world is open and offers new expressions.

Body. Get your heart rate rocketing for one week. Let your head get a rest and your muscles knock themselves out.

Ceramics. Hands shaping clay; cups, vases, pitchers, pots, and sculptures. Creativity and craftsmanship.

Photography. Tell stories with your camera. People and environments. Places and ambience.

Workshop. Release creativity. Build new worlds. Alone and together. Large and small projects.

Foundry. Craftsmanship with tradition. Concentration and hard physical labor. Fire and smoke.

Drawing. Let your hands create; with coal and chalk, ink, and pencil. Blindly or with your eyes fixed on the paper and the naked body.

Exhibition. We always end the week of electives by exhibiting the things we have created. Dialog with the world.

Design College